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Mobile Devices in Schools


As part of our continuous effort to foster safe, welcoming, caring, and respectful learning environments, we have updated our Student Code of Conduct () to include the implementation of a new protocol regarding the use of mobile and smart devices in schools. This change takes effect on September 1, 2024, and follows the Ministerial Order #014/2024 – Standards for the Use of Personal Mobile Devices and Social Media in Schools, which aims to minimize distractions and enhance learning environments for all students.


The main points of the new procedure are:

  • Students in grades ECS (Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten) to grade 6 are not allowed to use personal mobile devices during instructional or non-instructional time. This includes recess, lunch, and before and after school. If students have mobile devices with them, they must be powered off and stored out of view.
  • Students in grades 7 to 12 are not allowed to use personal mobile devices during instructional time, unless the teacher gives explicit permission for their use as part of learning. If students have mobile devices with them, they must be powered off and stored according to the school's protocol for device storage. Students may use mobile devices during non-instructional time, such as school-designated breaks from instructional time and lunch.
  • Students are not allowed to access social media on school networks or on school devices at any time.
  • Parents who need to urgently contact their child during instructional time can call the school office. Students who need to contact their parents for an urgent matter during instructional time should talk to their teacher and use a phone designated for student use in the school office.
  • The policy applies to all mobile and smart devices, such as cell phones, tablets, laptops, or smartwatches, that can be used to communicate with or access the internet. Associated accessories, such as earbuds, headphones, and mics are also to be put away, unless used for educational purposes as directed by a teacher.
  • The policy applies to all spaces on school premises, as well as when students are representing the school or school division on field trips or other school related activities.
  • The policy includes a progressive discipline framework for enforcing the use of mobile devices in schools, which may include reminders, warnings, confiscation, loss of privileges, parent contact, or other consequences depending on the frequency and severity of the infraction.


We believe that this update to the Student Code of Conduct will help us create a more welcoming, caring, respectful, and safe learning environment for all students, where they can focus on their academic and personal growth without unnecessary distractions.

We appreciate your support and cooperation in implementing this policy and ask that you review it with your child(ren) and discuss the expectations and consequences. You can find the full policy and the rationale behind it on our division website. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s school.

Thank you for your partnership in education.




My child has a medical device or requires assistive technology to learn. How does this change impact them?

  • Exemptions for mobile and smart device use for students during instructional time include only:
    1. Students who require the use of these devices for documented medical purposes.
    2. School staff and administration will work with students and families to ensure students with complex needs have access to appropriate, recommended assistive technology that is compliant with expectations as outlined by Alberta Education.
  • Families can work with school staff and administration to assure requisite exemptions are in place.



How can I leave an urgent message for my child?

We understand the perception of disconnection can be unnerving. As always, families can contact the school office to relay a message to a student.


What if there is an emergency?

Families will be notified of emergent situations via personal phone call or school messenger.

Students needing to contact a caregiver regarding an urgent matter during instructional time should speak with their teacher in order to use a phone designated for student use in the school offices.


What consequences are in place?

  • In accordance with the progressive discipline process within Administrative Procedure 350 including:
    • Request to power off
    • Apprehension of device until the end of instructional time
    • Notice to parents and school administration
    • Loss of mobile device privileges
  • To learn more, visit Administrative Procedure 350.


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